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How to Harvest Green Amaranth Seeds

Though most people have never heard of the amaranth seed, it is an extremely valuable plant to grow and harvest in your own garden. Often confused for a grain, amaranth is actually a seed, though the leaves make tasty and healthy salad greens. According to Salt Spring Seeds in Canada, the seeds and greens of the amaranth plant contain more protein than either soybeans or cow's milk and are high in amino acids that the human body generally lacks. Harvesting these seeds at the right time and done the right way will give you a delicious and healthy treat.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden gloves
  • Bucket
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      Determine if the seeds of the amaranth plant are ripe. Take one of the flower heads between your hands and gently shake or rub. If the seeds readily fall from the head, the plant is ready to be harvested.

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      Wear gardening gloves to avoid contaminating the seeds and to avoid having the seeds get stuck to your hands. Place a bucket or wheelbarrow under the flower head to collect the seeds.

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      Grasp flower heads between your hands and shake or rub vigorously to cause the seeds to fall into the collection device.

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      Place the collected seeds in a cool, dry place to settle for 24 hours. Blow dry air with a compressor--or just use your mouth--over the collected seeds to remove loose chaff that came off the flower heads with the seeds.