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How Does a Lawn Overseeder Work?

People overseed lawns to revitalize damaged patches of grass or to fortify the entire yard with fresh growth. Reseed small areas of thinning grass by hand. Larger areas require an overseeder for even seed distribution across the whole yard. Preparing the lawn for the overseeder affords the new seeds a healthy growing platform.
  1. Preparing the Lawn

    • Prepare your lawn to receive the new seeds. Remove thatch with a dethatching tool and rake the loose thatch and other debris from the lawn. Remove any weeds that gathered in clumps with the rake and loosen the top layer of soil. Water the lawn to moisten the soil. The direct soil-to-seed contact is necessary for growing new grass.

    Overseeder Basket

    • The overseeder basket holds the seeds. Choose the seed type that thrives in your environment. Cleaning the basket removes any fertilizer left from a previous task. Drying the basket prevents the seeds from sticking to the sides while you are overseeding.

    Overseeder Spreader

    • Choose a drop seeder or spreader. Drop overseeders deliver the seeds in a straight line as you walk the unit over the lawn. Spreaders employ a wheel under the basket that spins while the overseeder is in motion distributing the seeds across a greater area. Use a drop seeder if you are more likely to use the device on smaller areas. The spreader is suitable for jobs requiring seeding an entire lawn.

    Basic Use of the Overseeder

    • Fill the overseeder with the appropriate grass seed for your climate. Adjust the delivering trap allowing the seeds to dropped or spread at the proper rate. Walking behind the overseeder at a steady pace ensures even spreading. Closing the delivery trap when turning avoids dropping a cluster of seeds at the point of your turn.