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How to Kill Grass Without Digging

Sometimes, people must kill their grass to renovate their lawns. Lawn renovation is the result of grass dying off from disease, pests, infertile soil or improper grass selection for the region. Weeds that take over at least 50 percent of the lawn indicate it is time to renovate the yard, according to the University of Minnesota. Because digging up grass is strenuous and time consuming, many resort to herbicide to kill off their grass.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbicide
  • Rake
  • Tiller
  • Starter fertilizer
  • Fungicide
  • Pesticide
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      Water the grass for three days before applying an herbicide to encourage growth. Killing vigorously growing grass with herbicide is easier, because dormant turf does not absorb as many of the toxic chemicals.

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      Spray the grass with a broad-spectrum herbicide that contains glyphosate. Glyphosate impedes grass' ability to produce proteins and leaves little soil residue. Cover ornamental plants with plastic when spraying glyphosate. Broad-spectrum herbicides kill any type vegetation they contact.

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      Reapply the herbicide in 10 days. You know grass is dying you see discoloration, wilting and browning.

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      Rake up dead grass blades. Remove all vegetation before replanting. Use a tiller to break up the bare soil.

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      Throw away or burn up the dead vegetation. Do not compost herbicide-treated grass blades.