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Will Buffalo Grass Grow in East Texas?

Buffalo grass is a low-growing, perennial, blue-green-hued grass native primarily to the great Plains states. The grass that grows via a systems of runners is appropriate for native grass lawns in some portions of Texas.
  1. Conditions Matter

    • According to Texas Cooperative Extension turf grass specialist Richard L. Duble, buffalo grass does not perform well in the sandy soils found throughout much of east Texas or in areas of southeast Texas due to the propensity for high rainfall. It is a good choice of native lawn grass for the central section of the state.

    How It Grows

    • Buffalo grass grows as a series of runners or by spreading seed on the soil. Allowed to grow uncut, some blades grow upright 8 to 10 inches before falling over to form the classic runners that form thick, curly turf lawns. Buffalo grass responds well to cultivation and is easily removed from unwanted areas.

    East Texas Native Turf Grass Choices

    • Native turf grasses well suited for lawns in east Texas consist of those capable of flourishing in wet or sandy soil. Texas A&M University recommends carpet grass and centipede grass for east Texas conditions.