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Weed Control in Buffalograss

Buffalograss, originally a native prairie grass, is a drought-tolerant, easy-care turfgrass adapted to lawns and landscapes. When buffalograss is first planted, weeds are controlled through timely care and limited herbicide applications.
  1. Care

    • Young buffalograss is vulnerable to weed invasion until it is well established. Too much water or fertilizer encourages weeds at the expense of the young turfgrass. Young buffalograss is fertilized lightly once or twice a year and needs less than 1 inch of water per week.


    • Herbicide can help control excess weeds in buffalograss, though a herbicide specific to buffalograss must be used. Using any herbicide, even one labeled for buffalograss, should be limited on young lawns. No herbicide should be applied in hot weather or drought conditions.


    • Buffalograss cultivars are developed for their low-water use and minimal maintenance. Efforts to fertilize, water and mow buffalograss into traditional short green lawns create weed-favorable conditions. Allowing the grass to grow naturally without fussing encourages resistance to weed germination.