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Information on Dormant Centipede Grass

Suitable to grow in mild winter regions, centipedegrass is a warm-season turfgrass that is low maintenance but suffers if mismanaged. This grass spreads by creeping stolon stems, grows slowly and loses its green color when temperatures drop and it enters dormancy.
  1. Function

    • Centipedegrass enters a partial dormant state in winter. Hard freezes kill the leaves and youngest stolon tips, creating a tan carpet. The plants remain active and begin sprouting in the alternating warm-to-freezing weather in winter. This alternating pattern leads to partial dead spots in the turf.


    • Nothing can be done to prevent natural weather temperature regimes but Richard L. Duble of Texas Cooperative Extension mentions an application of a potassium fertilizer in fall helps centipedegrass tolerate cold weather better. Better root development and less winter dieback results, especially in sandy soil.


    • Do not apply fertilizer to centipedegrass in winter when the grass is dormant. This grass species doesn't respond well to overly fertile soil. Adding fertilizer in winter cold promotes growth that is readily killed by frosty nights.

    Expert Insight

    • Applying a pre-emergent broadleaf herbicide to a dormant lawn in winter diminishes sprouting of weeds leading into spring. This helps the lawn green up and grow without competition in spring.