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The Best Time to Lay Sod in Central Florida

Newly laid sod typically requires frequent watering to ensure growth, so landscapers in central Florida may take advantage of the frequent showers common in the summertime to lay new sod.
  1. Best Time

    • Sod can be installed anytime there is sufficient moisture to keep the sod watered. Meteorologists with Orlando television station WESH, note that central Florida's rainy season typically begins in late May and continues through October. For this reason, anytime between May and October is a good time to lay sod in central Florida.

    Other Times

    • Landscapers can lay sod anytime as long as temperatures do not prevent watering. Because central Florida rarely sees freezing temperatures, landscapers may lay sod in the region at any time of year. The winter months often see weeks at a time without rain in central Florida, though, so newly laid sod will require frequent hydration during the area's dry season.


    • Since central Florida's wet season is the ideal time to lay sod, Floridians may look for some signs that the rainy season has begun. According to meteorologists at WESH, some signals include the absence of cold fronts, frequent or daily storms and dewpoint temperatures that hover around 70 degrees.