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The Best Month to Plant a Lawn in Tennessee

A healthy lawn in Tennessee requires preparation and care, but one of the most important things you can do for your grass is to plant it at the proper time. Whether you choose seed or sod, timing is essential.
  1. Types

    • Fine fescue and tall fescue are recommended by the University of Tennessee for lawns in the Volunteer state. These are cool-season varieties and should be planted at the beginning of their two annual growing cycles: spring and fall, with the latter being the better time.


    • If you choose to grow a lawn from seed, August and September are the best months to do it. Plant seeds between August 20 and September 15 for best results. If you wait too long the seeds may not have time to germinate and become established before winter.


    • Laying sod is more expensive than spreading seed but has the advantage of creating an instant lawn. Timing is not as important with sod. The University of Tennessee points to September, October and March as the preferred months for sodding a lawn.