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How Long Will Unopened Grass Seed Last?

Each grass seed package is labeled with a guaranteed germination rate and the period for which the rate is guaranteed. Although some seeds remain viable for years, their continued successful germination depends on processing and storage.
  1. Considerations

    • Half or more of perennial grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial bluegrass and tall fescue may remain viable from three to five years, according to a study reported by Oregon State University. Harvest and processing conditions, including seed moisture content, temperature and humidity, all affect viability. Producers control these variables and package grass seed to guarantee seed germination rates within one year.


    • Seed stored in garages or garden sheds experiences wide variations in temperature and humidity that affect the life of the seed. If conditions favoring germination occur during storage, a certain percentage of the seed may begin germination only to die for lack of sunlight, soil and water.


    • Packaged grass seed generally remains viable for several years, but its germination rate drops each year. The only way to determine how much viability the seed has lost is to plant several seeds in a small container and see how many have sprouted after 10 to 14 days.