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Type of Grass in San Augustine, Texas

San Augustine is a town in the eastern part of Texas, less than 10 miles from the Louisiana state line. The grasses that grow well in this part of the state are of the warm-weather variety. They need to handle high heat and tolerate plenty of humidity, as this area receives more rainfall than other parts of the state.
  1. St. Augustine Grass

    • Although St. Augustine grass is found throughout Texas, it is particularly well suited for the southeastern area that tends not to receive the heavier frosts found in the more northern parts of the state. Native to the Gulf of Mexico region, St. Augustine does well in moist areas. It tolerates high summer temperatures and does better in shaded areas than many of the other warm-season grasses. This type of grass also adapts to a wide range of soils with good drainage and at least a medium amount of fertility. Primarily used for lawns as opposed to sports fields because it does not tolerate heavy foot traffic, St. Augustine is fairly resistant to problems caused by insects. It is good at competing with weeds and other types of grasses.


    • Centipede grass is a good choice for lawns in southeastern Texas, particularly in areas with soil that has good drainage and contains sand. Its attractive green color provides an eye-catching appearance on a lawn. Another plus is it does not need a lot of maintenance, including fertilizer or water. Centipede adapts to different soils and is resistant to insect problems. Capable of being established from either sprigs or seed, it grows well in both partial shade and full sun. Centipede can handle hot temperatures. Its thick turf chokes out weeds. It also spreads quickly and will overtake other types of grasses in the area.


    • Bermuda does well in the eastern part of Texas. One of the most common of the warm-weather grasses, Bermuda is known for its hardiness and ability to handle heavy traffic. This has made it a popular choice for lawns, parks golf courses and sports fields. It also has the adapts to different types of soils. It spreads quickly and establishes from both sod and seed. It is drought resistant because its deep roots draw water from the ground, although this is not as important in the San Augustine area compared to more arid parts of the state. Bermuda's dark green color makes for an attractive lawn.


    • Zoysia is an adaptable warm-weather grass. Although it has the ability to handle high temperatures, it is also more cold resistant that many of the other warm-weather grasses. Zoysia can adapt to a wide variety of conditions, including soil with salt or sand. It grows well in areas with both full sun and partial shade. Zoysia spreads itself aggressively with rhizomes and stolons. Often planted from sod or plugs, it is a durable grass that forms a dense turf. Zoysia turns brown when exposed to frost but is one of the first of the warm-weather grasses to turn green when the temperatures warm up in the spring months.