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When to Plant Saint Augustine Grass

St. Augustine grass is generally planted in the Southern United States because it is adaptable to warm, humid conditions. Typically, gardeners plant this warm-season grass type as either sod, sprigs or plugs. Timing is critical when planting St. Augustine grass. Planting too soon will prevent the grass from germinating, while late planting can cause the grass to burn in the summer months.
  1. Soil pH

    • Your soil's pH range must be within the correct range for St. Augustine grass before planting. It can take from three to six months to alter pH ranges; therefore, gardeners should conduct a soil test in the fall. St. Augustine grass needs a soil pH range between 5.0 to 8.5 to absorb the soil's nutrients. Spreading lime over the yard will make the soil more alkaline and sulfur applications are appropriate for acidic soil.


    • You can plant St. Augustine grass year-round if you live in a tropical climate or southern Florida. Generally, the best time to plant this grass type is in the early spring when soil temperatures have has time to heat up from winter. Ensure that you are out of danger of frost before laying down sod or planting sprigs and plugs. St. Augustine grass will die out when temperatures dip to 10 degrees Fahrenheit even for a few hours.

    Soil Preparation

    • Laying sod or planting sprigs and plugs without preparing the soil is the fastest way to have an unsuccessful yard. St. Augustine grass cannot establish a strong root system if the top soil has not been broken up. Your yard should be slightly graded away from the home so that the grass never sits in standing water. Wet soil can lead to your grass contracting a fungal disease. Also, apply a starter fertilizer high in phosphorous to give the grass enough nutrients to spread.


    • Pick a day that is not extremely hot to prevent the grass roots from drying out. Plant sod, sprigs and plugs immediately after delivery. If you need to wait a few hours, place the St. Augustine grass in an area with shade. Soil must be moist when planting or installing the grass. By choosing an overcast day, you can prevent moisture evaporation.