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Questions About Zoysia Grass

Zoysiagrass is a warm-season grass that forms a dense, uniform turf. It grows in a wide range of acid or alkaline soils, including sand or clay. It resists weeds, and doesn't require frequent mowing. These attributes make it a good choice for lawns, golf courses, parks and athletic fields in the southern half of the United States.
  1. What Are The Disadvantages of Zoysiagrass?

    • The main disadvantage of zoysiagrass is that it grows very slowly, spreading only 6 inches a year. This means it can take a long time to establish a lawn. Although zoysiagrass is resistant to wear, it recovers slowly when it's been damaged. It also forms a heavy layer of thatch, or undecomposed plant material, next to the soil, which homeowners must periodically remove.

    How Do You Grow Zoysiagrass?

    • Most varieties of zoysiagrass are grown by transplanting pieces of turf. Three methods are used: sodding, plugging and sprigging. Sodding involves laying down small squares or rolls of sod that completely cover your lawn area. It results in an "instant" lawn, but can be very expensive. Plugging is the most common method used, and involves cutting rectangular or circular plugs of grass and planting them in rows about 6 inches apart. This method usually takes a year to cover the lawn completely. Sprigging involves planting sprigs or runners that have at least 2 to 4 nodes each in rows that are about 6 inches apart.

    Does Zoysiagrass Need To Be Fertilized?

    • According to a University of Missouri plant specialist, zoysiagrass needs less fertilizer than other grass types. The Alabama Cooperative Extension's specialist states that it needs a lot of fertilization and, according to the Texas Cooperative Extension's expert, it needs a moderate level of nitrogen fertilizer. So, the amount of fertilizer your lawn requires may depend on where you live. Test your soil before fertilizing, because too much fertilizer can cause diseases, thicker thatch, fewer roots, and other problems. Although zoysiagrass tolerates a wide range of soils, slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5 is best.

    Does Zoysiagrass Need To Be Watered?

    • Some experts, including those at the University of Missouri Extension and the Texas Cooperative Extension, say that watering isn't usually necessary unless there's an extended period of dry weather. However, the Alabama Cooperative Extension's specialist states that zoysiagrass requires frequent irrigation. Check with your local cooperative extension for watering requirements in your area. When you do water, water early in the morning and wet the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Early morning watering helps to reduce diseases.

    How Much Sunlight Does Zoysiagrass Require?

    • Zoysiagrass prefers full sun, but tolerates some shade. Grass in shady areas will be thinner than on sunny sections of the lawn. Six to eight hours of sunlight is best.

    Are Weeds A Problem?

    • Zoysiagrass is resistant to weeds and crabgrass isn't usually a problem on established lawns. Apply crabgrass preventer early in the spring if you're establishing a lawn or mowing it close. Weeds like chickweed and henbit may invade your lawn when the grass is dormant, diseased or damaged by insects. Control these weeds in the fall, before they bloom.

    How Do You Mow Zoysiagrass?

    • Set your cutting height at 1 to 2 inches, and don't remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at a time. You don't need to clean up clippings as long as they don't form piles on the lawn. Mowing your lawn on the lowest setting in the spring will remove dead leaves and helps the lawn turn green faster.