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Frequently Asked Questions About Zoysia Sod

Zoysia grass has the ability to withstand extreme climates more easily than other grasses. Before choosing it for your yard, however, you should understand how and where it grows best.
  1. What Climate Is Best?

    • Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass often used in warm and hot climates because of how well it tolerates heat. In cooler climates, the grass also performs well.

    How Much Sun?

    • Zoysia does best in full sun. If you have a shaded yard or shady spots in your yard, Zoysia may not be your best choice because it tends not to green well in areas where it does not get a lot of sunlight, All About Lawns reports.

    How Much Water Does It Need?

    • One of the prized qualities of Zoysia grass is its drought tolerance and ability to withstand extended periods without rainfall or irrigation, the Texas A&M University Extension reports. In hot and dry desert-like climates, the grass will dry and brown out during the hot summer months. To prevent browning, water it at least every three days during the summer, preferably in the morning.

    How to Care for It?

    • Zoysia will need fertilizer in the hot summer months, but do not apply it during the cooler parts of the year. You should mow it regularly, never removing more than one-third of the blade height in a single cutting, Kansas State advises.