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When to Water New Grass Seeds?

New grass seeds need to have sufficient moisture levels at all times to grow strong. These seeds normally take between five and 30 days to germinate. In cooler periods of the year, this stage may take even longer. To ensure grass seeds achieve optimum growth, consider soil type, the equipment you use, frequency of watering and your lawn's surroundings.
  1. Surrounding Environment

    • Soil can be dried out by the force of elements such as harsh winds and prolonged periods of sunshine. Tall trees and buildings may also provide shade for some seeds. For these reasons, it is difficult to define a watering regimen suitable for all grass seeds. Consider these factors before setting your watering regimen.

    Water Distribution

    • In normal circumstances, grass should be watered occasionally but thoroughly. For new grass seeds, however, watering at least once daily is often necessary to ensure the seeds develop. Early morning and afternoon are good times to water new grass seeds. Use timed automatic sprinklers or a garden hose; but no matter which method you use, ensure you spread a consistent amount of moisture across all areas of the lawn.

    Watering Options

    • If using sprinklers, ensure they are not clogged or malfunctioning, as this will result in an uneven distribution of water. Shaded areas, however, require slightly more water as they receive less sunlight. Water shaded areas by hand in addition to the moisture they receive from automatic sprinklers.

    Moisture Levels

    • The top inch of soil for new grass seeds should be kept moist, but not saturated. This should take two to six minutes of watering a day to achieve, depending on your soil type and the specifications of your sprinkler. Water grass seeds twice daily, once early in the morning and then in the afternoon, for the first week. Reduce your watering regimen to once a day after the first week. If moss or algae starts to appear in your grass, this indicates too much moisture in the soil.


    • Avoid overwatering the grass, as this can cause puddles. This can cause seeds to float around, meaning the growth of grass will not be evenly dispersed. If your garden is on sloping, uneven ground, you may need to water more frequently due to water being lost to run-off. Coating the grass in mulch may help prevent seed movement.