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How to Get Rid of Weeds Before Laying New Sod

Site preparation before installing sod is vital for a vigorous lawn. Besides amending the ground to support the new grass, clear the area of barriers to healthy plant development. Debris such as rocks and plant parts close to the surface, blocks root growth. Likewise, weeds compete with the grass seedlings for nutrients and moisture. A strong established lawn can overpower the invasive plants. Newly planted sod, on the other hand, can't fight for territory and develop vigorous roots at the same time. Eliminating weeds from the planting site helps the new lawn to focus its energy on becoming established.

Things You'll Need

  • Weeding tool
  • Lawn mower
  • Rototiller
  • Glyphosate-based herbicide
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      Pull weeds with your bare hands or a weeding tool, such as a hoe or dandelion fork. Use this method in areas of sparse weeds before they become established. Dig under the roots and get the entire plant out of the ground. Discard them in the trash. Do not compost weeds.

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      Mow the weeds before they set seed to keep them from self-propagating. Alternatively, turn the soil over with a rototiller to a depth of 6 inches to kill weeds and bury their seeds. They don't germinate without exposure to light.

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      Spray the weeds with a glyphosate-based herbicide to kill them. Assorted brands and formulas come with different application rates and methods. Read the label of the product you select to apply it correctly.