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Will My Grass Seeds Die in the Cold Spring Weather?

Grass seeds planted in the spring are more likely to produce strong root systems than grass seed planted in the fall, even if the seeds are cold-tolerant. Planting grass seed at the right time is key to a healthy lawn.
  1. Cold Weather

    • Freezing temperatures and snow are not uncommon in the spring as the season changes. Most grass seeds recover from some exposure to cold weather, although cold temperatures may delay their ability to germinate and begin growing. Grass seed is hardy and unlikely to be killed by cold weather.

    Time Frame

    • Seeding the lawn at the right time helps prevent a delay in growing the grass. Waiting until late spring, when cold snaps are less common, helps reduce the likelihood that grass seed will be exposed to freezing temperatures, ice or snow. Seed the lawn later in the spring to keep it healthy.


    • Grass seeds exposed to numerous shifting temperatures and excess moisture and freezing can rot before germinating. Proper irrigation of the soil and seeding at the right time help gardeners avoid rotted grass seed due to temperature fluctuations.