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How Much to Water Newly Sodded Centipede Grass?

While all grass may look and feel the same to the untrained person, each variety of grass has separate ideal growing conditions in which it will thrive. Centipede grass requires little maintenance when compared with other grasses; once established it rarely requires heavy watering unless the temperature is high or rainfall is low. However, when you first lay centipede grass sod, you will need to water it extensively.
  1. Preparation

    • Proper soil preparation involves starter fertilizer and soil amendments such as lime to balance acidity in the area. However, you must also provide the now-barren ground with a little water to prepare it for the sod's roots. Water the entire area that you intend to sod with ¼ to ½ inch of water the night before you intend to lay the sod. The measurement does not have to be perfect. The goal is for the soil itself to absorb enough water so that it is moist, allowing the roots of the sod to more easily penetrate and to have some moisture until you get all of the pieces laid.

    Watering After Sodding

    • As soon as you finish laying all of the sod pieces, irrigate the centipede grass with 1 inch of water. From then on, for the next 10 to 14 days, check the feel of the centipede grass two to three times per day. Anytime the top 1 inch of soil feels dry to the touch, you must apply enough water to thoroughly soak that inch. Once the sod is rooted, apply ¼ inch of water every three days for nine days, followed by ½ inch of water every five days for 10 days. This will extend the growing period of the roots, making sure they run deep into the soil.

    Signs of Drying Out

    • Observe your centipede grass both immediately after sodding and once the grass is established for signs the sod is drying out. Dry grass will take on a darker blue or gray sheen instead of the usual light green of the centipede grass. The blades of grass will often wilt, fold or curl in on themselves when they are not receiving enough water. Finally, you will notice footprints in a dry lawn after you walk over it; a well-watered lawn will immediately bounce back, so footprints will not show up.

    Watering Tips

    • Once the sod is established, it should need 1 inch of water each week during the growing season, from early spring to early fall. The actual amount of irrigating you need to do will vary by rainfall, temperature and wind in your area. The best time to water new sod is in the morning to allow all of the water to soak in properly before the cooler nighttime temperatures, reducing the risk of fungus or disease setting into the moist soil.