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How Should You Go About Planting Grass Seed?

Planting grass seed to establish a beautiful lawn involves much more than tossing seed onto the soil and adding water. Proper planning, testing and preparation is as important as the selection of the proper mix of grass seed and care and maintenance.

A successful gardener will choose a grass seed mixture appropriate for the climate conditions as well as how the space will be used. Play areas and formal gardens will be planted with different types of grasses.

Spring and early fall are the best planting times, but lawns can be successfully plant at anytime during the growing season.
  1. Soil Testing

    • If the soil is not able to provide the proper nutrients to the grass, the work put into planning and planting grass seed may be wasted. Collect soil samples from various parts of the yard and send them to your nearest university extension to be tested. The extension office will have information on how to collect and prepare the samples, along with where to send them.

    Soil Preparation

    • Amend the soil to be planted according to the results of the soil testing. Work organic matter into the soil and go over the area with a rotary tiller or spade to a soil depth of approximately 4 inches. Level the area to be planted as much as possible and rake it to get rid of any debris. If a fertilizer is needed, apply it to the area. Using a spreader will help insure that the fertilizer is evenly distributed.

    Seed Selection

    • Lush lawns are planted with a variety of grass seed, and the type chosen is based on the use of the area and the elements that the grasses will be exposed to. A combination of warm- and cool-season grass seed will insure a green lawn from the temperature extremes throughout the growing season. Plant ornamental grass seed for formal gardens and a more sustainable turf grass for heavily used back yard play areas.

      Some types of grasses are more susceptible to certain diseases than others, and planting with a mixture of grass seed insures that if one type fails, the others will grow to cover any bare areas.

    Planting Grass Seed

    • Mix the varieties of chosen grass seed in the hopper of a seed spreader. Only half of the grass seed should be spread during the first pass of the proposed lawn area, allowing for a second pass at a right angle to make sure that the entire space has complete coverage.

      If a lawn roller is available, use it to make sure that all of the planted grass seed has contact with the soil. Alternatively, lightly rake the newly planted area.

      Water the grass seed deeply but gently enough not to wash the seed away.

    Care and Maintenance

    • Water the newly planted lawn daily, more often during extremely dry conditions, until the grass is established. This usually takes about three weeks from the time that the grass seed germinates. When the new grass has reached a height of between 2 and 2 1/2 inches, it is time for the first mowing, cutting back 1/2 inch. Cut the lawn at regular intervals after that.