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How to Prepare a Lawn Before Planting Bahai Grass

While it is possible to grow Bahai grass seed in an existing lawn, particularly a lawn already planted with Bahai grass, the best way of establishing a new Bahai grass lawn from seed is to kill the old grass, roto-till the area and start your new lawn from scratch. Fortunately, Bahai grass seed is relatively easy to start and generally produces a thick and luxuriant lawn in a relatively short time. Bahai grass is a warm-weather grass, growing best in USDA hardiness zones 8 through 10, although certain varieties of Bahai grass, namely Pensacola Bahai grass, will also grow tolerably well in zone 7.

Things You'll Need

  • Weed killer
  • Rake
  • Roto-tiller
  • Seed spreader
  • Small soil compactor
  • Sprinkler
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    • 1

      Water the area where you intend to plant your Bahai grass seeds well for seven days to encourage as much grass and weed growth as possible.

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      Stop watering and spray the area with a weed killer, such as one with glyphosate. Do not spray on a windy day when the spray may drift to plants you do not intend to kill, and do not spray if rain is anticipated within the next 24 hours.

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      Wait seven days for the grasses and weeds to die. Do not water during this seven day period. Rake with a hard steel rake to remove as much of the dead grass (and any other litter) as possible.

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      Roto-till the area to a depth of 6 inches. Break up dirt clods. Rake the area relatively level.

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      Spread 5 to 10 lbs. of Bahai grass seeds per 1,000 square feet. Ten pounds of seeds per 1,000 square feet will produce a thicker, more luxuriant lawn. Rake the seeds lightly after sowing, so the majority of the seeds are covered by no more than 1/4 inch of soil.

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      Roll a small soil compactor over the lawn to insure that the seeds and the soil are making good contact.

    • 7

      Water the lawn with a sprinkler. The initial watering should be 1 inch, approximately 1 hour of watering. Keep the soil damp, but not soggy for the next 14 days. Depending on weather conditions, this could mean watering the lawn twice a day. Set lawn mower for 2 1/2 inches and mow three weeks after planting.