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What Is a Sodded Yard?

A sodded yard is established by installing turf grass sod and not by growing seeds. Installing sod grass produces an almost instant, carpet-like result and is more practical for certain varieties of grass. Sod grass is grown on commercial farms and harvested in long strips, leaving the roots and a thin layer of dirt intact. Sod is typically cut into squares and sold for landscaping purposes.
  1. Advantages of Sod vs. Seed

    • Because sod provides an immediate ground cover, it minimizes the risk of wind or rain erosion, making it particularly useful for sloped yards.You can install sod at almost any time during the growing season, but the planting time for grass seed is usually limited to spring or fall. Seed requires a longer period of careful watering and care to reach maturity; sod grass is mature at installation. Because sod covers the ground completely, it reduces dust and chokes out weeds as it spreads. According to experts at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, sodded yards typically have fewer weeds, resulting in less allergy-causing pollen, making sod a good choice for allergy sufferers.

    Warm-Season Grass

    • Sometimes called summer grass, warm-season grasses grow profusely when temperatures climb above 80 degrees F. Many warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, zoysia, St. Augustine and centipede grow best when started from sprigs, plugs or sod. Warm-season grass is a good choice for sunny areas with a southern or western exposure. Because it is resilient to heat, drought and high foot-traffic, Bermuda grass is a particular favorite for lawns, athletic fields and golf courses. Warm-season grasses are often used to sod lawns throughout the Southeast.

    Cool-Season Grass

    • Cool-season grasses grow most actively in temperatures between 60 to 70 degrees F and include grasses such as tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and ryegrass. Purchase grass that is adapted for your area. Kentucky bluegrass is a very resilient grass that is good for high-traffic areas. Many cool-season grasses stay green year round and tend to be more shade tolerant than the heat-loving varieties, although they need at least partial sun to thrive.


    • Installing sod is typically more expensive than seeding, often requiring the services of a professional landscaper. Before sod can be installed, the ground must be graded to remove existing grass, weeds or rocks and any drainage problems corrected. A soil test will determine whether amendments, such as lime or fertilizer, are needed. Always purchase fresh sod from a reputable dealer and install it immediately after purchase. Freshly installed sod should be firmed down with a roller to obtain good sod to soil contact, thoroughly watered, and kept free from foot-traffic until the grass is well-established.