Home Garden

How to Grow Lolium Perenne

Lolium perenne, also known as perennial or English rye grass, is a clumping grass that stands up to heavy traffic very well. It grows quickly and does best in areas with cool summer weather. The leaves of lolium perenne grow up to 5 inches long and are available in different shades of green, as there are more than 100 varieties available. Lolium perenne produces a flowering culm that grows from 8 to 16 inches tall. This grass thrives in full or part sun and should be watered regularly.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden tiller
  • Soil
  • Lawn roller
  • Garden hose
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      Use a garden tiller to loosen the surface of the soil at the planting site.

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      Divide the seeds in half. Broadcast one half over the yard, then sow the other half of the seeds crossways to the original planting. This will increase the chance of even growth.

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      Cover the seeds with a 1/8-inch layer of soil. Go over the entire planting site with a lawn roller to press the small seeds into the soil.

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      Mist the seeded area each morning with a garden hose, unless there has been significant rainfall.