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How to Identify Grass Snakes

Depending on whether or not you like snakes and how comfortable you feel around snakes, incorrectly identifying a grass snake could have two consequences. First, if you like snakes, you could get bitten by not using enough caution and getting too close to a snake mistaken for a grass snake. Second, if you fear snakes, you might feel unnecessarily warranted in killing a nonpoisonous grass snake because it seems to present danger to you or your family. Learning how to identify grass snakes will aid your and the snake's safety.


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      Examine the snake for a green shade across the snake's entire body. Grass snakes benefit from blending into grass, which matches the green color of the snake.

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      Look for vertical streaks or pyramids rising up from the snake's belly to approximately half of the snake's thickness.

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      Look for a thin white or yellow band that circles the snake's neck.

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      Look for a black border along the tail-ward side of the white or yellow band.

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      Consider the snake's overall length, which can reach up to 2 1/2 feet and about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in circumference.

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      Consider the habitat where you found the snake, including grass, woods or gardens. Additional areas common to the grass snakes include ponds or streams.