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How to Grow Emerald Zoysia

The grasses in the Zoysia species thrive in warm temperatures. They also offer the advantage of being perennial plants that return after a period of dormancy in winter. In fact, they green up ahead of other grasses as soon as it begins to get warm outside. Emerald Zoysia is a hybrid between two species, Zoysia japonica and Zoysia tenuifolia, that became available in 1955. Within the species, the Emerald is cold and shade tolerant. Like other Zoysia species, it requires regular maintenance to become a high-quality lawn.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-10-10 fertilizer
  • Fertilizer spreader
  • Lawn mower
  • Vertical mower
  • Rake
  • Lime
  • Aerator
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      Water Emerald Zoysiagrass for about 10 minutes every day the first two weeks following planting. From the third week on, give the lawn 3/4 to 1 inch water whenever the grass blades begin to wilt.

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      Feed zoysiagrasses 1 lb. 10-10-10 fertilizer per 1,000 square feet in April, June and August for a total of 3 lbs. annually. Broadcast the feed with a spreader and irrigate the lawn to water the product in.

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      Mow Emerald Zoysiagrass every 10 days to two weeks to maintain a height of 1/2 to 1 inch. Leave the grass clippings on the lawn to return nitrogen to the soil as they decompose.

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      Remove layers of thatch thicker than 3/4 inch. Thatch is a mass of dead and living plant tissue that develops in certain grass species. Thatch is dense enough to block sunlight, water and nutrients, weakening the lawn. It also serves as a host for disease organisms and insect pests. Run a vertical mower, available for rent, over the thatch after the grass comes out of dormancy in spring. Rake the cut-up debris off the lawn and discard it. Sprinkle 10 lbs. of lime per 1,000 square feet over the dethatched area to hasten decomposition of thatch residue the mower left behind.

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      Aerate the lawn once a year in spring to reduce thatch development. Aerators are available for rent. Select a machine that pulls plugs of soil and drops them on the ground. Avoid models that simply push the soil deep underground, which creates compaction. Broadcast a layer 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick of store-bought topsoil uniformly over the lawn following aeration.

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      Identify pests and diseases attacking the Emerald Zoysia so you can treat them. Take a sample of a diseased grass plant to the county cooperative office for help, if needed. Ask the extension or a local nursery staff about the most effective method of controlling the problem. Do not take diseased plants into a nursery, to protect the shop's stock. Zoysia species are susceptible to billbugs, nematodes and different fungi. Following the recommended irrigation, mowing and fertilizer practices is the best way of preventing problems.