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How to Fertilize Before Overseeding Grass

In the simplest terms, over-seeding grass means to broadcast and distribute grass seed over an already established and growing lawn. Golf courses do this yearly to keep the grass thick, but anyone can do this to improve the way their lawns look. Over-seeding is generally recommended during late summer or early fall. This gives the newly seeded grass a chance to root and become established before winter, and it will reduce loss during hot and dry periods.

Things You'll Need

  • High phosphorous starter fertilizer
  • Rake
  • Composted steer manure
  • Shovel
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      Apply a starter fertilizer to the lawn, Rake it into the soil at a rate of 20 lbs. per 1,000 square feet for an NPK fertilizer of 5-10-5. Ideally, rake the fertilizer into a depth of 2 to 4 inches.There are several types of starter fertilizer on the market, and some may have different NPK values. Follow the manufacturers directions when distributing starter fertilizer.

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      Broadcast the grass seed over the established lawn. Different grasses will require different rates of distribution, but as a general rule of thumb, ryegrasses are distributed at 14 to 18 lbs. of seed to every 1,000 square feet. Follow the label directions for application rates for the particular grass seed you are sowing.

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      Drag a rake backward over the freshly seeded lawn. This will make positive contact between the soil, seeds and starter fertilizer.