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How to Grow Evergreen From a Cone

With a little know-how, anyone can grow evergreen trees from a pine cone. The fruit of the evergreen bears in its crevices the small seeds needed to germinate a new tree. While these naturally germinate and grow in the wild, placing the trees in a new or different area than nature intended may take a bit more work. All of the seeds will not germinate. This is natures way of preventing over-population of the pine-bearing trees.

Things You'll Need

  • Pine cones
  • Refrigerator
  • Peat moss
  • Container
  • Pine needles
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    • 1

      Collect cones and place them in a clean, dry place. Allow the cones to sit until they begin to dry and release the small seeds. Collect the seeds and place the rest of the cones into a compost pile or back into the area from which they came.

    • 2

      Place several seeds into a piece of damp peat moss. Place the moss into a flat container and refrigerate for one to four months. This will begin the germination process of the seed.

    • 3

      Dig a 3-inch hole to plant the germinated seed. Tear up the peat moss and place it into the hole. Place several seeds on top. Cover with soil.

    • 4

      Cover the planted spot with pine needles and water. The decaying pine needles will provide the needed soil nutrients for the seedling. The area should be damp but not saturated.