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How to Plant Rye for Deer

Rye is a cereal grain used for human consumption, but rye grass is often planted as a food plot for deer. Along with other forage, deer will eat rye grass while it's actively growing in the spring and fall. Rye grass is a cool season annual or perennial that is high in protein and has a long growing season. However, growing the annual rye grass gives you more options for food plots in the future.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Seeder
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    • 1

      Select an area to plant your food plot. Rye needs full sun and well-drained soil to grow well. Purdue University suggests planting food plots on 1/2-acre lots to ensure other animals use them besides just deer.

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      Remove all the weeds and large rocks from the soil with a rake.

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      Broadcast the seed at a rate of 56 lbs. of seed per 1/2 acre. Sprinkle the seed evenly with your hands or with a seeder.

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      Cover the seed with a 1/4 inch of soil.

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      Water the seeds well for five minutes. Keep the soil moist until the seedlings emerge.