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Can Bahia Sod Be Planted in the Fall?

Bahia sod can be used in yards that experience drought conditions and have acidic soil. Gardeners typically choose to plant sod over seed, because sod establishes quickly and prevents excessive weed growth. Because this warm season grass dies out or goes dormant in the winter during cool temperatures, those living in regions that experience cold winter temperatures will see a short growing season if bahia is planted in the fall.
  1. Temperature

    • Bahia's growth is impaired when temperatures dip in the late fall to winter, according to the University of Florida. While gardeners can still install bahia sod in the fall, they must be sure that temperatures remain warm long enough for the sod to have time to establish a strong root system. It typically takes sod three weeks to establish its roots; therefore, it is possible to plant bahia in the fall as long as other factors such as soil moisture, planting site preparation and care are given to the grass. If you want to play it on the safe side, plant your bahia sod when temperatures are moderate or in the early spring months.

    Soil Moisture

    • Bahia sod will not establish an extensive root system if conditions are too dry or the gardener doesn't irrigate the sod several times per day. Sod will not grow or establish a root system if it dries out. Because the end of summer and beginning of fall can usher in dry, hot days, it is important to supplement the water for your grass to keep it from going dormant. The sod should be watered when it arrives, during the installation and every day for two weeks.


    • Weeds can overtake lawns by the end of the summer months to the beginning of fall. Bahia has a difficult time establishing when it has to compete with weeds for the soil's nutrients. Make sure that you remove all weeds from the yard prior to sod installation. Spray the lawn with a herbicide that contains glyphosate. Reapply in a few days, right before installing sod. Once your lawn area is bare, you should quickly plant your sod. Weed seeds take advantage of bare soil.

    Site Preparation

    • Bahia sod cannot produce healthy growth when the planting site hasn't been prepared. Gardeners must apply a starter fertilizer to the soil before installing bahia sod. Use 20 lbs. of starter fertilizer with a NPK amount of 5-10-5 per 1,000 square feet. Work the fertilizer into the first 2 to 4 inches of soil. Water the lawn well after applying the fertilizer. You can plant immediately after fertilizing. Waiting too long after supplying the fertilizer can contribute to weed growth.