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Zoysia Sod FAQ

Zoysia grass is a grass suitable for warmer climates that is valued for its resistance to many insects and diseases. Choosing to install a zoysia lawn with sod, instead of with seeds or plugs, is the most expensive way to do it, but the result is an instant lawn.
  1. How Do I Prepare the Soil for Zoysia Sod?

    • A zoysia lawn established by sodding will be available for use quicker than one by seed.

      The soil prior to installing zoysia sod should be leveled out, with any large debris or rocks removed. The top few inches should be relatively loose and fine to accommodate quick establishment of the sod's roots. The area should be well moistened prior to installation.

    How Do I Install the Zoysia Sod?

    • To help the roots of zoysia sod establish on a slope, anchor the pieces so that they do not move.

      Zoysia sod should be laid out just as you would lay bricks, so that the ends of adjacent pieces are staggered and do not meet. They should be fitted firmly together and lightly tamped into place after laying them. If installing on a slope, the pieces should be staked into place to avoid movement.

    What Do I Need to Do After the Sod Is in Place?

    • Rotary mowers with a cylindrical cutting drum do not injure zoysia blades like conventional mowers would.

      After installation of the zoysia sod, 1/4 of an inch of water should be applied daily until the roots are established. Afterward, 1/2 to 1 inch of water per week should suffice. Zoysia lawns do better when mowed with mowers that have a vertical or rotary cutting action, such as a reel mower. They should be maintained at a height of between 1 1/2 inches to 2 1/2 inches. Annual applications of fertilizer of 2 to 3 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn area are recommended.