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Should I Mow My Lawn Short?

All grass types have a specific height they need to maintain for healthy growth. For example, tall fescue should be kept between 2 to 3 inches and carpetgrass should be kept at 1 to 2 inches in height, as recommended by garden expert Walter Reeves. Mowing too short causes a host of problems, especially if you are mowing grass grown in shade.
  1. Damage to Roots

    • The higher your mower's blades the deeper your grass roots grow, according to University of Florida Extension. Mowing your lawn shorter than its recommended height can cause a weak root system. A weak root system means your grass has a hard time spreading. The result may be thinning area or an intolerance to drought conditions. Grass needs extensive root systems in order to absorb moisture from the soil. If the grass is too short in the summer months, you may see some areas die out.

    Grass Health

    • Grass uses its blades for photosynthesis. The shorter the grass blades the less able the grass is to create nutrients. Repeatedly mowing your grass under its recommended height may result in starving grass, thinning areas, dead patches or excessive weed growth. Certain types of grass, like St. Augustine, do not tolerate low mowing. Furthermore, mowing grass that is already too short removes the dirt around the roots and exposes them to the sun.


    • Causing stress to your lawn by frequent close mowing raises the risk of the grass contracting a fungal disease. Healthy dense turf can overcome fungal diseases better than stressed grass. You lawn can contract a number of fungal diseases in the summer such as rust, brown patch and powdery mildew. To prevent harming your grass, avoid mowing when the grass is wet or with a mower that has dull blades. Wounds made into the grass blades from dull mowers are perfect entryways for harmful pathogens.

    How to Mow

    • Never take off more than one-third of the grass blade at one time. If you grow common Bermuda grass that should be kept at 2 inches, wait to mow when the grass is 2 1/3 inches in height. Grass grown in shady locations must be kept slightly higher in order to absorb enough moisture from the soil. Mow throughout the growing season until your grass goes dormant. By mowing until fall, you can prevent your grass contracting a fungal infection, like pink snow mold.