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How to Make Your Grass Grow After the Month of April

Planting your grass or maintaining your lawn for healthy growth after April takes careful attention to the condition of the soil and the effects of the weather. Usually, late spring is a time of year when the soil is sufficiently moist for planting grass seed. Keys to growing grass in the spring and summer include making sure to keep the soil moist without overwatering, and treating thatch and thin areas to foster new growth.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden rake
  • Grass seed
  • Water gauge
  • Lawn aerator
  • Lawn mower
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      Rake the lawn vigorously with a garden rake to remove thatch, which is a layer of debris (twigs, stems, dead grass blades) that sits at the top of the soil level. Thatch prevents water from seeping down to the roots, and keeps the roots from growing. Gather the thatch, and remove it from the lawn.

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      Inspect your lawn for dead spots and thin areas. Thinning areas will require new seeding.

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      To sow grass seed, loosen the top 1 to 2 inches of soil with a garden rake or other tool. Spread the grass seed evenly by hand or with an automatic spreader. Typical seed density should be 16 to 20 seeds per square inch. Rake the area to cover the seeds, and water the area lightly. Avoid walking on newly seeded areas.

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      Aerate the lawn. Use an aerator that removes plugs of soil. The plugs should be removed to allow water to seep deep into the soil.

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      Place a water gauge on the grass when you water during the warmest times of the year to ensure proper amounts of water. Various kinds of grass require different watering amounts and frequencies. Water the lawn in the morning to allow enough time for the moisture to be absorbed into the soil before the afternoon sun evaporates it.

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      Raise the deck on your lawn mower to trim the grass at a higher level during the late spring and summer months. Longer grass blades will help keep the soil moist by shielding it from the sun, and increase the volume of water the grass can absorb and save. Leave the blades longer (3 inches) during the warmer months than you would in late fall and early spring.