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Turf Pests

Healthy turf grass is something many homeowners strive for; proper watering, mowing and fertilization are all important parts of keeping the turf healthy. However, pest control is also essential for the overall health of the lawn; there are a variety of pests that threaten turf grass and its successful growth.
  1. Pests

    • Grubs, aphids, leafhoppers, weevil larvae and several types of caterpillars all pose a threat to the health of lawns. Grubs are a serious threat because they hatch from eggs laid in the roots and soil around grass and detecting their presence can be more difficult than with other pests, which are larger and more visible. Keeping a close eye on the condition of the lawn is key to identifying pest problems before they become too serious.

    Grub Pesticides

    • There are a variety of pesticides that can be utilized to control the presence of white grubs in the lawn. However, it is important to use pesticides only when they are necessary to avoid causing environmental damage. Take a sample of the lawn every few weeks to check for small white eggs or grubs, which are often small, white, worm-like larvae. If these signs of grub infestation are present, apply a grub pesticide to the lawn.

    Aphids and LeafHoppers

    • Aphids and leafhoppers, as well as false chinch bugs and chinch bugs, and the nymphs of these pests, all suck nutrients from the blades of turf grass. A targeted pesticide designed to attack those pests that feed on the sap within turf grasses is necessary for the control of these insects. Examine the turf regularly for signs of insect damage, including blades of grass that yellow at the edges and the insects themselves. Apply the pesticide according to the directions on the container.

    Weevil Larvae and Caterpillars

    • The larvae of weevils, armyworm moths and cutworm moths are all threats to the health of turf. Unlike aphids and other nutrient-sucking insects, these pests feed directly on the flesh of the turf, which leads to ragged, short, damaged grass. The presence of caterpillars in the lawn indicates that there is an infestation problem. Use an insecticide designed to deal with these larvae to control their populations and reduce the damage done to the turf.