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The Best Ways to Germinate Turfgrass

The first step in successfully germinating turfgrass is to start with a good blend of seed. Purchase seed with only the highest purity and germination rates listed on the seed's packaging. A grass seed blend that contains a mix of turf species offers greater resistance to disease and pests.
  1. When to Seed

    • Weeds are actively germinating in the spring and compete for nutrients.

      Grass seed germinates best when sown between late summer and early fall. September is best for most areas of the country. Turf can be seeded in the spring, but the competition from emerging weeds and the ensuing heat of the summer months can stress young grass.

    Site Preparation

    • Make sure to use straw, not hay, when mulching newly seeded areas.

      Dispersing seed onto bare, undisturbed ground will yield poor results. The site should be prepared by either adding a layer of topsoil prior to seeding or by disturbing the existing soil with a hard-tooth rake. Once the seed has been broadcast, the top of the seed should be grazed with a rake to lightly work it into the soil. The seeded area should be mulched with straw at a rate of 1 bale per 1,000 square feet.

    Lawn Establishment

    • Lawns require approximately 1 inch of water per week.

      Once the seed is in place, adequate watering is essential. As the seed begins to germinate, light and frequent waterings are recommended. As soon as the blades start to appear and fill in, watering should be less frequent, but deeper.