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Grass Seed for a Thin Lawn

Over seeding thin lawns is best done in the late summer when your weed population is low and the ground is still warm, according to Iowa State University. Certain types of lawn grass such a bahia and fescue thin out over time. Gardeners should over seed their lawns with high density grass seed to promote thick grass growth. Also, over seed shady parts of the lawn with grass types that can tolerate shade to prevent weed growth.
  1. Zoysia

    • Zoysia, a high-density grass, can be used to overseed Bahia lawns to achieve thick, lush grass. In addition, zoysia provides gardeners with numerous benefits. It is drought-resistant, is great for high-traffic areas and has an excellent tolerance to salt and cool weather, according to Clemson University. Zoysia, however, requires high levels of maintenance and can produce thick layers of thatch in a growing season.


    • Hybrid bermuda grass has a high density level, according to the University of Florida. Gardeners prize this warm-season grass type for its ability to resist diseases, withstand drought, tolerate foot traffic and salt, according to Clemson University. Gardeners cannot use Bermuda grass in the shade because it will quickly thin or die out. In addition, while Bermuda has a fair tolerance to cool conditions, it tends to go dormant when temperatures dip below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Kentucky Bluegrass

    • Kentucky bluegrass is commonly grown with fescue grass types because it has a high density level, reports Iowa State University. In fact, most sod is a blend of a cool-season grass variety with Kentucky bluegrass. Gardeners who have shady areas in their yard should not try overseeding with Kentucky bluegrass. This grass type does not tolerate shade and needs to be planted in areas that receive full sun.

    Grass for Shade

    • Oftentimes, gardeners will seed their lawns with a grass seed variety and later find out their grass will not spread in shady areas. Shady areas should be seeded with cool-season seed types such as creeping red fescue, hard fescue, chewings fescue, tall fescue or supina bluegrass, according to the University of Wisconsin. Those growing warm-season grass can overseed with zoysia in shady areas. Before overseeding, make sure the area receives over four hours of sunlight to support grass growth.