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Prime Growing Time for Emerald Zoysia

Emerald zoysia is a warm-season grass with a deep-green color, as its name implies. It is water efficient, slow growing and heat tolerant. Horticulturalists developed Emerald zoysia by crossing Zoysia japonica and Z. tenuifolia, which are both Asian/Australasian varieties. Although homeowners enjoy Emerald zoysia on their lawns, golf courses, parks and playgrounds use it as well.
  1. Care

    • Plant Emerald zoysia grass as sod or sprigs. It prefers full sun but grows in light-to-moderate shade. However, full shade causes Emerald zoysia to thin. It grows well in poor, rocky or sandy soils and is salt tolerant. Mow it to a height of 1/2 to 1 inch. It takes about 2 years to become a fully-grown lawn. Watering it deeply once a week encourages deep rooting.


    • Zoysia grass is a suitable choice for use in the Southern third of the United States from the East to West Coasts. It likes the temperate conditions in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zones 6 to 10, which have annual minimum temperatures ranging from minus 5 degrees in zone 6 to 40 degrees in zone 10. Zoysia grass does especially well in areas where it is neither too dry nor too wet. Although zoysia grass grows in the West, the Southeastern U.S. is its best habitat. Emerald zoysia grass tolerates extreme heat and sun, but not cold.

    Prime Growth

    • Emerald zoysia grass turns tan with the first frost and goes dormant in the winter. It begins growing and greening in the spring and generally is green from May until November. Since it is a warm-weather grass, it grows fastest when it is hot. The prime growing conditions for Emerald zoysia grass is when temperatures range from 80 to 90 degrees.


    • The Emerald zoysia hybrid was released in 1955. It is a highly recommended turf grass for high quality lawns when adequate time and money are available for a maintenance program, according to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension. However, like all zoysia grasses, mow it with a reel mower, instead of a rotary mower. In addition, it needs dethatching every 3 to 4 years. It may develop brown patch disease, leaf and dollar spot.