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Ornamental Grass Plugs

Ornamental grass is not only available in seed and small plant form, but in plug form as well. Plugs are small sections of grass with a few roots attached to the blades. This form of ornamental grass can be used to establish a large area of grass quickly.
  1. Availability

    • Ornamental grass plugs are shipped throughout the spring and summer in small seedling trays from the nursery. The tiny cells that the plugs are grown in need to stay moist to keep the plugs alive for planting. Do not set the plugs in direct sunlight or they will dry out too quickly.


    • Dig holes in weed-free and loosened soil 6 to 12 inches apart. Place the plugs in the holes so that the crown of the grass is just above ground level. Firm the soil around the base of the plants and moisten the soil.


    • Plugs are used together with seeds to protect the newly germinating seeds. First plant the plugs and keep them moist while the new roots are established. Plant the seeds so that the plugs provide shade, soil stability and wind protection for the seeds.