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Fertilizing Guidelines for Freshly Laid Saint Augustine Sod

St. Augustine grass is typically sodded on lawns, because grass seeds are difficult for gardeners to find. It is important for you to fertilize your newly laid sod with the right type of fertilizer and at the correct time. Fertilizing too soon or using the wrong type of fertilizer can damage your new lawn.
  1. When to Fertilize

    • Fertilize your St. Augustine sod 30 to 60 days after sodding, as recommended by the University of Florida. St. Augustine sod needs time to establish its root system in the soil. Fertilizing too soon results in nutrient leaching or fertilizer runoff because the roots are unable to absorb the nutrients. Nutrient leaching pollutes groundwater. Furthermore, professional gardeners apply a starter fertilizer to the soil at the time of sodding. Because St. Augustine grass is absorbing these nutrients, it doesn't need additional fertilizer applied right after it has been laid.

    Type of Fertilizer

    • Use 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet when fertilizing your freshly laid St. Augustine sod, as suggested by Texas A&M University. You can use 1/2 lb. of water-soluble nitrogen and 1/2 lb. of slow-release nitrogen. Using more than 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet encourages excessive growth. Excessive growth creates grass that is prone to contracting fungal diseases and pest problems. Also, excessive growth stresses St. Augustine grass' root systems.

    Fertilizing the Lawn

    • Pour half of the fertilizer into a rotary spreader when fertilizing the yard. Apply the fertilizer vertically over the St. Augustine sod. Pour the rest of the fertilizer into the spreader and apply it horizontally to achieve even coverage. Uneven fertilizer distribution may burn grass blades or prevent uniform grass blade texture. Water the lawn after fertilizing. Fertilizer needs to absorb into the soil in order to provide nutrients to the roots of the sod.

    After Care

    • St. Augustine sod should be fertilized every 30 to 60 days. Fertilize the lawn until the late fall to encourage green grass and dense growth. Conduct a soil test each year on your lawn. Collect 10 soil samples in different areas of the lawn, and mail 1/2 cup of soil in a container to your local cooperative extension office. Obtaining an accurate soil analysis report from your local cooperative extension office help you choose the best fertilizer for the lawn.