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The Best Grass Seed for Hard-to-Grow Areas

Hard-to-grow areas include parts of the yard that have acidic soil, too much shade or dry soil. In addition, areas that experience a high level of wear and tear have a difficult time supporting turf grass. Fortunately, gardeners can grow certain types of grass seed to achieve a dense-looking turf in their hard-to-grow areas.
  1. Acidic Soil

    • Generally, grass prefers to grow in a pH range between 6.0 to 7.0, according to the University of Rhode Island's website. However, not all parts of the yard can accommodate this range. However, there are grass types that thrive in acidic soils that gardeners can plant such as carpet and centipede. In fact, Bahia grass prefers to grow in an acidic range between 4.5 to 6.5, according to the University of Hawaii's website.


    • Most grass types grow in areas that receive between six to eight hours of full sunlight. Gardeners with yards that have overhanging branches, tall shrubs or tall fences need shade-tolerant grass. It is important to note that areas that receive less than four hours of sunlight will not be able to support grass. Shade-tolerant grass types include hard fescue, creeping bentgrass, chewings fescue, zoysia and St. Augustine grass.

    Dry Soil

    • Grass prefers moist soils. In fact, gardeners should apply 1 inch of water to their lawns once a week if there is no rainfall. However, drought-tolerant grass survive times of infrequent rainfall. Drought-tolerant grass types include Bahia, Bermuda and zoysia grass, according to Clemson University's website. Even though these grass types can survive little water, they do need to be irrigated if your dry spell persists. For instance, Bermuda can withstand lack of water for up to eight weeks before it must be irrigated.

    Wear and Tear

    • Certain cool-season grass types such as fescue grow thin grass blades, which are damaged during extensive wear and tear. Gardeners who want to use their lawns for recreational purposes should choose a grass seed that is wear-tolerant. Grass seeds with high levels of wear tolerance include Bermuda, zoysia, tall fescue and seashore paspalum, according to Clemson University's website. Even though these grass types survive foot traffic, keep off the lawn for two weeks after seeding to avoid damaging young seedlings.