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Miniature Mondo Grass Is Dying

Miniature of dwarf mondo grass is a popular choice for shady, low-maintenance areas and along walkways. It is cold hardy and does not spread quickly, making it easy to maintain. Since it is so much smaller and denser than the original tall mondo grass, it is very popular in landscaping, especially around stepping stones. While it is hardy, it is also hard to establish and sensitive to certain changes.
  1. Sun Exposure

    • Check the sunlight exposure. Miniature mondo grass prefers full shade. Too much sun will scorch the leaves and dry out the grass, making establishment in an area impossible. You also must plant in shaded areas to keep the proper moisture and avoid too much evaporation.

    Soil Moisture

    • Assess the moisture of the soil, particularly if the miniature mondo grass is planted in a flood plain, or an area that tends to hold water for extended periods. Pairing excessive moisture with needed shade will make the roots rot from being too saturated. The area should be well drained. Mature miniature mondo grass (over 3 years old) will not need anything but occasional rain. You may need to water occasionally while it is establishing. Waterlogged soil is the most common problem with miniature mondo grass. This begins with yellowing leaves at the tips that travels the length until leaves fall off.

    Plant Spacing

    • Check planting space. Miniature mondo grass needs to be planted 2 to 4 inches apart and given three years to fill in completely. Overcrowding will cause it to grow too slowly, or choke out neighboring plants.

    Planting Depth

    • Check the planting depth. Since miniature mondo grass has a moderately shallow root structure, planting too deep in heavy soil will prevent the plant from growing properly. Heavy soil weighs down roots and can cause root rot, especially in overly damp soil.