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Does Copper Sulfate Harm Turf?

No one wants to expend time and money to beautify their lawn and then watch it die due to chemical harm. Your lawn requires water and good environmental conditions in order to grow and thrive. But lawn problems can arise requiring additional attention. Your options for protecting your grass and helping it to grow in spite of turf threats -- like moss -- abound. But some products are more beneficial than others.
  1. Significance

    • Some lawn care problems, like moss for example, require environmental and physical controls for eradication in addition to treatment with chemicals or herbicides, according to the University of Oregon. Using just an herbicide or a chemical will produce only a short term effect on the problem. But some elements, such as copper sulfate, provide a solution without causing harm to your growing grass; But there are some things to avoid.

    Copper Sulfate Defined

    • Copper is a metallic element. It is reddish brown in color and, in the copper sulfate form, is beneficial for use on your lawn, specifically with regards to fighting moss.

    Safe Usage

    • Combining 2 to 5 ounces of copper sulfate per every four gallons of water produces enough spray to control moss for a 1,000 square foot area of lawn. Copper sulfate, along with ferrous sulfate and ammonium sulfate are safe for use on lawns. These products can hold back moss growth without preventing grass from growing. But more importantly, copper sulfate and ferrous and ammonium sulfates do not pose a serious threat to the environment and your plants need these elements in order to grow successfully.


    • Mixing of copper sulfate as a spray to treat turf problems should not be done in certain types of containers. Avoid iron or galvanized vessels, as copper sulfate can burn, corrode, dissolve or eat away at your metal container. Instead, use a plastic container. Prepare the solution by allowing a jute sack of copper sulfate to barely dip into the water in the plastic container. Leave overnight. The copper sulfate will completely dissolve by morning.