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Companion Zoysia vs. Zenith Zoysia

Traditionally, gardeners established zoysia grass lawns by planting sprigs or plugs, or rolling out sod. Through breeding efforts, improved varieties were developed that could be reliably started from seed, decreasing the costs associated with creating a zoysia grass yard. Zenith and Companion --- which was renamed and is better known today as Compadre --- are two of the best seeded zoysia grass varieties for use across the mild winter regions of the United States, in U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone 5b through Zone 11a.
  1. Planting Insight

    • Sow the seeds of both Zenith and Companion zoysia grasses at a rate of 1 to 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet on soil that is tilled, raked smooth, slightly tamped and weed-free. As long as soil moisture remains even and constant, both varieties can fill in to create an attractive, dense lawn within one year of sowing. Because zoysia grasses are warm-season plants, sow the seeds in the midspring to early summer for best germination and establishment of roots before the onset of chilly temperatures in the autumn.

    Quality Similarities

    • Both Zenith and Companion cultivars are slightly coarser-textured lawns compared to variety Meyer, the standard by which all zoysia grasses are compared. Zenith and Companion both develop a denser carpet of green leaves than Meyer, making them quite effective in choking out and preventing new infestations of weeds in the lawn. The look of both Zenith and Companion zoysia grass lawns is similar from a distance, both seemingly lusher and naturally lower-growing than Meyer. Zenith tends to develop a bit more vertical growth compared to Companion, which displays more horizontal growth to knit in among plants. However, both grasses in the end create an equally dense carpet.

    Notable Differences

    • Side by side, Companion leaves are a deeper, more matte green, while Zenith's color is a brighter, satiny medium jade green. Both varieties may be grown in cooler winter areas, such as Zone 5b through Zone 7a, but Companion tends to green up earlier in the spring than Zenith. In warmer winter areas, both tend to green up simultaneously. When tattered or mismanaged, Zenith rejuvenates slightly better than Companion. Only on microscopic inspection would a slightly wider leaf blade --- only 1/3 mm more --- be noted on Companion.

    Maintenance Tips

    • Mow both Zenith and Companion zoysia grass lawns at a height of 1 to 2 inches. For best coloring, apply 1 lb. of nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet in each lawn. Although both varieties demonstrate some drought tolerance, you should irrigate the lawn to supplement rains to maintain an evenly moist soil, especially during the growing months of April through the first frosts in the fall. When mowing, never cut off more than one-third the total height of the grass. For example, if the zoysia grass lawn is 3 inches tall, cut off no more than 1 inch at that mowing event. Mowing too much of the plant and cutting it too short makes the lawn look browner or yellower, and increases heat and drought stresses.