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Crab Grass Preventer That Won't Delay Grass Seed Germination

It is a lot of work to prepare a yard for seeding, and seeing crab grass germinate in your newly prepared soil bed is frustrating. There is a product available that will help to prevent the germination of annual grassy weeds but will not affect the germination of your perennial lawn seed.
  1. Siduron

    • Siduron is the active ingredient in a commercial brand of selective herbicide, meaning it will selectively kill a specific group of plants and not harm another. An example of a nonselective herbicide is glyphosate, which kills or damages any plant it comes in contact with. Siduron is a pre-emergent herbicide -- it will not kill established crab grass, but works by preventing the seed from growing.

    How Siduron Works

    • There are seven classes of herbicides, each with a typical chemical structure and mode of action. Siduron is a substituted urea type. All herbicides in this class are selective and work through absorption through the roots, then translocate through the xylem, or the water conducting tissues. Most substituted urea type herbicides work by affecting photosynthesis, but siduron is different in the fact that it inhibits the growth of roots. The crab grass actually germinates, siduron is absorbed through the root, and the young seedlings slowly die.

    Other Grassy Weeds

    • Siduron will prevent both smooth (Digitaria ischaemum) and hairy (Digitataria sanguinalis) crab grass. Siduron also works to prevent foxtail (Setaria glauca) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). Siduron can be used on these newly seeded or established grasses: bluegrass, fescue, redtop, smooth brome, perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass and zoysia. Siduron can be used on bentgrass, but only on some strains: PennCross, Seaside, Highland, Astoria, Nimisila, C-1, C-7, and C-19. Siduron cannot be used on Bermuda grass.

    Applying Siduron

    • Siduron can be applied on bare soil in the spring after the grass seed has been spread. If you plan on planting your lawn in the fall, siduron can be applied then as well. If you want to use siduron as a crab grass preventer on an established lawn, make sure to time your application before crab grass has germinated. Crab grass will only germinate after the soil has reached 60 degrees Fahrenheit for four to five days and can germinate throughout the summer. An application in early spring followed by a second application six to eight weeks later will cover the entire growing season.