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What Is Dormant Seeding?

Dormant seeding is a gardening practice that helps people in temperate climates have lush, green lawns earlier in the season than usual. Golf courses have practiced dormant seeding for decades. However, dormant seeding is not a guarantee that you will have a green lawn.
  1. Planting

    • Dormant seeding is the practice of planting seeds months before they will germinate. For example, golf courses spread grass seed in the autumn or winter months, with the plan that the seeds will germinate in early spring and provide grass cover four to six weeks earlier than spring planting. Some farmers practice dormant seeding for an early spring crop.

    Correct Planting Time

    • The most important factor of dormant seeding is choosing the correct planting time. If you seed too early, rain and warmth in the soil will cause sprouting. Make sure the soil temperature is below the temperature the seeds need to germinate. The recommended time varies according to your location and whether you are planting warm season or cool season crops. Your local county extension agent can advise you of the best dates for your region.

    Seed Hardiness

    • Choose seed varieties designed for your climate and soil conditions. For example, if you live in a region of the country where winter temperatures reach minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit, such as North Dakota, make sure your seed will survive such cold temperatures. You can usually find seed hardiness information printed on the seed package.


    • One drawback with dormant seeding is that birds, squirrels, and other small animals may feast on your seeds. You may have more success by waiting until the birds migrate south. Additionally, if Mother Nature provides a warm spell during winter, rain and warm temperatures could trigger seed germination. The seeds will die when freezing weather returns.