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How Can I Take Care of a Brown Patch on Creeping Bentgrass?

Brown patch is a fungal disease that causes moderate to severe damage to creeping bentgrass, according to Purdue University. Infected creeping bentgrass will display symptoms such as olive green discoloration in circular patches of grass that extend out to 12 inches in diameter. If the disease goes untreated, the grass turns brown. Furthermore, it is important for gardeners to monitor their creeping bentgrass when nighttime temperatures exceed 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, according to Purdue University. To take care of brown patch, gardeners must employ both chemical and cultural control methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Fungicide
  • Fertilizer
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      Mow the creeping bentgrass to 3 to 3 1/2 inches in height. By allowing the creeping bentgrass to grow higher (creeping bentgrass is generally maintained at 1/2 an inch), you reduce stress on its root system from mowing. Spread your grass clippings across the lawn. Brown patch symptoms do not worsen from infected grass clippings.

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      Water your lawn in the morning. Nighttime irrigation increases duration of time the grass blades are wet, which contributes to brown patch.

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      Apply a fungicide that contains the active ingredient thiophanate methyl to control brown patch in your creeping bentgrass. Thiophanate methyl is available as a wettable powder that is evenly applied over creeping bentgrass yards.

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      Reapply the fungicide in two weeks or according to the directions. Keep your creeping bentgrass watered. Fungicide harms water-stressed plants.

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      Fertilize your creeping bentgrass in the fall after the lawn has recovered with 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet.