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Quick Regrowth Grasses

Lawns often go into a period of decline where large patches need to be reseeded or re-sod to preserve their appearance and avoid weed intrusion. At these times, using a fast-growing type of grass seed that can fill these areas can solve the problem. Some of these grasses are only suitable as short-term solutions until other turfgrasses can fill in these areas because of climate conditions or growth habit.
  1. Annual Ryegrass

    • Annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum, is often used to over-seed warm-season grasses to provide color for fall, winter and spring. Annual ryegrass grows from seed quickly and will regrow well in moderate temperatures. It dies quickly in late spring and summer, allowing turfgrass to spread into the areas. Annual ryegrass is not generally used as a permanent lawn grass but for quick regrowth for warm-season grasses that lose color in winter. Ryegrass is a coarse, shiny lime color with poor drought and shade tolerance, according to the University of California at Davis.


    • Bermudagrass, Cynodon spp., is also known as devilgrass or wiregrass. It establishes quickly and competes well against weeds. Bermudagrass has poor shade tolerance, however, and should not be used for fast regrowth in shady areas, such as under trees or building overhangs. Due to its rapid growth habit, it tends to build up thatch, the dead organic matter that can choke off grass roots, according to Clemson University horticulturalist Bob Polimski. Twice weekly mowing is necessary due to this type of grass' quick regrowing ability to prevent scalping.


    • Orchardgrass, Dactylis glomerata, is a cool-season grass with quick establishment and fast regrowth that is often used as a forage grass for animals. It has a bunch type growth habit that reaches maturity in the spring faster than other grasses. Orchardgrass is easy to grow and thrives in low-fertility soils. It has only moderate frost and drought tolerance such that freezing temperatures can damage young seedlings while high temperatures will reduce the grass' growth rate.


    • Ribbon grass, Phalaris arundinacea, is a perennial grass that spreads through rhizomes and can grow 12 to 18 inches tall. The rhizomes can spread 4 to 12 inches per year to fill in areas left bare by failed turfgrass. Its leaves are 6 inches long and ¾-inch wide, and some types are variegated. Ribongrass prefers locations with some sun but is often found in shade, growing along streams. It is considered an invasive weed in some parts of the Midwest due to its rapid growth patterns.