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Dry Patches in St. Augustine Lawns

Fix St. Augustine lawns exhibiting dry patches restores its uniform texture and color. Dry patches occur when mowers scalp lawns, irrigation systems are broken or an uneven fertilizer was unevenly applied. Gardeners must determine the problem's cause to employ proper treatment.
  1. Scalped Lawns

    • Lawns are scalped when lawn mower's blades cut the grass too short. Sometimes, lawn mowers sink into areas where there is a thick thatch layer. Thatch is the natural organic material accumulation between the grass blades and soil. When grass blades are cut too short, the lawn loses its ability to conserve moisture. Check your thatch layer in the dry area. Remove a thick layer of thatch if it is more than 1/2 an inch. Setting your lawn mower's blades at a height of 1 to 3 inches avoids scalping.

    Broken Irrigation System

    • Sprinkler heads stop working when damaged during the winter or were pressed into the soil. Gardeners wind up with water run off with broken sprinkler heads. Check each sprinkler head in the yard at the beginning of the growing season. Leave empty tuna cans in the lawn when you water. If the can near the dry spot has less water than the rest, you know there is an irrigation problem.


    • Most fertilizers contain nitrogen, which dehydrates grass when excessively used. Use the recommended amount of nitrogen when fertilizer your lawn. St. Augustine grass needs 1 lb. of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet. Check your fertilizer rotary spreader ensuring that it spreads an even distribution. For an even distribution, cut the amount you intend to use in half. Spread half in on direction and the other half 90 degrees from the first.

    Proper Watering

    • Water your lawn in the early morning when dew is still present on grass blades. Gardeners who water late in the day risk water evaporation. If certain sunny areas in your St. Augustine grass are watered in the afternoon, the water may evaporate too quickly for it to feed the root system of your grass. Give your St. Augustine yard 3/4 inch each watering. Place tuna cans in the lawn ensure that you are watering with the appropriate amount.