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Does Ultra Stop Weed Killer Kill Grass?

Ultra Stop Weed Killer targets broadleaf weeds growing in the lawn. The product will not kill grass if used properly. When used incorrectly or excessively, you can end up with dead patches of grass. With careful applications of Ultra Stop Weed Killer, your yard's weed problems are greatly reduced.
  1. When to Spray

    • Spray Ultra Stop Weed Killer anytime during the growing season. However, newly planted lawns must be 2 inches in height before an application should be made. Young grass seedlings may experience herbicide injury if Ultra Stop Weed Killer is applied when the grass is under 2 inches. Check the grass with a measuring stick before applying the spray to broadleaf weeds or spot treat weeds with the spray. To protect surrounding grass seedlings, lay a piece of plastic over the turf.

    When to Seed

    • Gardeners must wait to seed their lawns after using Ultra Stop Weed Killer. Allow three weeks to pass before planting seeds, sprigs or stolons in the yard. The residue from Ultra Strop Weed Killer in the soil may harm sprig or stolons trying to develop strong root systems. Seeds may have a difficult time germinating and growing if herbicide residue has not been leached out of the soil through rain or irrigation.


    • The correct amount of Ultra Stop Weed Killer to use depends on your grass type. For example, those spraying broadleaf weeds in Kentucky bluegrass, fescues, Bahia or Bermuda lawns must use 10 to 12 tbsp. mixed in 5 gallons of water to treat 950 square feet. Gardeners growing St. Augustine or centipede grass mix up 6 tbsp. of weed killer with 5 gallons of water to apply to 950 square feet of lawn. Using more than the recommended amount for your grass type may harm or burn your grass.

    Other Considerations

    • For effective results, use Ultra Stop Weed Killer during dry weather or when you have a six-hour window of dry weather. Withhold irrigation during the six-hour window to prevent herbicide runoff. In addition, Ultra Stop Weed Killer works best when applied to mowed grass. Hardy weeds such as dock or ground ivy may need multiple applications of Ultra Stop Weed Killer.