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How Often Should You Mow Fescue?

Fescue grass does not tolerate mowing heights less than 2 inches. Mow according to the grass' height, rather than by weekly routine. Keeping fescue at different mowing heights based on the season prevents the grass from becoming damaged by the summer heat.
  1. When to Start Mowing

    • Mow fescue grass in the early spring when the grass comes out of dormancy. Not taking off more than 1/3 of the grass blade at one time prevents causing a weak root system. Keep fine fescue grass types at a height between 2 to 2-/2 inches in the spring and fall. Keep tall fescue grass between 2-1/2 and 3 inches throughout the year. If you want your grass at a 2-inch height, must mow the fine fescue lawn when it grows to 3-1/2 inches.

    Summer Mowing

    • During the summer, fine fescue and tall fescue undergoes stress from the heat. Because grass keeps a high percentage of moisture its blades, low mowing during this time results in damaged grass. Low mowing also interferes with the grass' ability to photosynthesize. Keep a mowing height for both fine and tall fescue between 2-1/2 to 3 inches, as suggested by the Ohio State University. Measure the lawn's height before mowing.

    Fall Mowing

    • Fescue thrives at the end of the summer into the fall months because temperatures have cooled and the ground is still warm. Mow fescue lawns as long as you see growth. Mow the lawn to 2 inches in height before winter. Grass growing above its recommended mowing height when entering winter is at risk of contracting a fungal disease called snow mold. Snow mold occurs when tall grass becomes matted with snowfall.

    Other Considerations

    • Gardeners may find that they mow more frequently in the spring and fall when fescue grows at its best. Fertilizer applications speed up the mowing frequency. Fescue needs mowing before other gardening practices, such as dethatching, overseeding, pre-emergent herbicide applications and aerating. Plan your lawn care schedule incorporating mowing with other cultural practices. Avoid mowing the lawn to short or scalping, as it damages to the grass resulting in a high weed population.