Home Garden

How to Save Potting Soil Over the Winter

Depending on the scope of your gardening ambition, the cost of bags of potting soil required to provide a home for carrots, begonias, raspberries or roses is potentially staggering. Saving this year's leftover potting soil over the winter is one way to cut down on next year's gardening bills. Storing the soil in its original bag, however, leaves it susceptible to moisture, which in turn promotes mold growth. Instead, protect soil from moisture during the winter by storing it a sanitized plastic bin.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic storage bin with lid
  • Paper towel
  • Plastic cling wrap
  • Packaging tape
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      Wipe down the inside of the bin and lid with paper towel to remove any moisture. If the soil is damp, allow it to sit in a sunny spot until it's completely dry before pouring it into the bin.

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      Cover the bin's opening with plastic cling wrap and secure the lid. The plastic wrap helps create an extra layer of protection against moisture. Secure the lid to the bin with clear plastic packaging tape.

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      Set the tub in a cool, dry area, such as the garage or an outdoor shed. Avoid a basement because many are prone to moisture issues. Monitor the bin during the winter to ensure no moisture reaches the soil. If moisture does infiltrate the soil, remove the lid and set the bin in a sunny location until the soil is completely dry. Re-cover the bin with plastic wrap before replacing the lid and sealing it with packaging tape.