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Seed Planting Timetable for New York

Seed planting timetables determine the best time to plant seeds in a given area for a particular season. This season is usually spring, although fall plantings are also common. Planting timetables for New York state are determined by frost dates. In the spring, it is the last frost date for the area; for fall, it is the first. Frost dates are estimated times, and since no one can accurately predict the exact date for a specific area, it is important to keep records of your own space.
  1. New York City and The Great Lakes Regions

    • The New York City, Buffalo and Rochester regions fall under U.S Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7b to 6a, which have an average last frost date in mid-April and first frost date in early November. Tomatoes (USDA zones 2 to 10) and peppers (USDA zones 1 to 11) should be started indoors at the end of February and transplanted outdoors the first week of May. Never start either in the fall. Carrots (USDA zones 4 to 10) should be started outdoors in March, and can be planted in succession until the last week of September. Lettuce (USDA zones 4 to 9) should be planted outdoors in the beginning of April and again in the middle of August.

    The Mid-State Region

    • Albany, Utica, Syracuse and Ithaca fall into USDA zones 5a and 5b, which have an average last frost date in mid-May and first frost date in early October. Tomatoes and peppers should be started indoors in mid March, and moved outdoors in late May, with no fall start date. Carrots should be started outdoors in early April and can be planted until the first week of September. Lettuce should be started outdoors late April and again in early August for a fall crop.

    The Adirondack Region

    • Lake Placid, Watertown, Massena and the mountains between them fall into USDA zones 4b to 3b. The average last frost date for the Lake Placid area is mid-June; for Watertown and Massena it is late May, both with an average first frost date in September. Tomatoes and peppers should be started indoors in mid-April and moved outdoors in late June. Carrots should be started outdoors in early May and can be planted until August. Lettuce should be started outdoors in early June and again in early August for a fall crop.

    Calculating Your Own Seed Planting Timetable.

    • Because every garden has its own micro-climate, no standard timetable can be as accurate as the gardener's experience. To get the best out of your garden, keep records of frost dates in your garden. After several years, you can calculate your own average frost dates and adjust your seed planting accordingly.