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How to Install a Water System Over a Raised Garden

Drip irrigation systems are considered ideal for watering raised gardens. This is because the water doesn't get the leaves wet and helps reduce the possibility of disease and plant damage. Drip system lines are suspended on risers above the soil level, and emitters flow water to the plants. There are three basic parts to a drip system, the head unit, the transmission system and the emitters. Emitters can be nozzles placed in solid lines, or they can be the pin holes in a soaker hose.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Head unit
  • Irrigation lines
  • Risers
  • Hose
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    • 1

      Measure the raised garden area. This helps you determine how much line to buy as well as how many risers you will need. Plan on having a riser about every 1 1/2 to 2 feet. Risers are sold in garden centers near the lines and head units.

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      Push the risers into the soil, spacing them as evenly as possible. Make sure you have risers in each corner. Place the irrigation line in the top of the riser. Some are made to let the line rest on them while others have eyes to thread the line though.

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      Attach the free end of the irrigation line to the head unit. Fix the head unit to the side of the garden bed so it stays in place. If your beds are made of wood, use nails or screws for this job.

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      Connect a garden hose to the head unit. Turn on the water and watch to make sure you are getting water where you want it. Adjust the irrigation lines and risers as needed.